Consecration in 1954 – Schedule

Program of Events

Sunday, Sept. 5, 1954

big_0079:30 A.M.  Processional from Parish Home to Church with His Grace, Most Rev. Archbishop Mstyslaw, Rev. Father, Parishioners and Guests.  Greeting of Archbishop at steps of Church by Parish President, Mrs. Rose Borys.  The pastor, Rev. Stephen Hallck-Holutiak, will greet the Archbishop at the entrance of the Church.

9:45 A.M.  Entrance into Church and then follows the Blessing of Church: Altar, Iconostas, Tabernacle, Tetrapod, Side Altars, and Icons on Church Walls in Nave, Dedicating Church to the Honor and Glory of God.

High Pontifical Mass
His Grace, Archbishop Mstyslaw, officiating.
Very Rev. Volodymyr Kaskiw of E. Cambridge, Mass.
Very Rev. Demetrius Leschishin of Neward, N.J.
Very Rev. John Danylevish of Boston, Mass.
Very Rev. Nicholas Czerniawsky of New Haven, Conn.
Rev. Joseph Zelechiwsky of Providence, R.I.
Rev. Peter Petrush of Willimantic, Conn.
Rev. Peter Kowalchyk of New Britain, Conn.
Rev. John Petrykanyn of Bridgeport, Conn.
Rev. Stephen Hallick-Holutiak, Local Pastor.
Archdeacon Paul Pushkarenko.
Church Choir will sing Liturgy Responses.
Prof. Trochym Pasichnyk, Director.

1 P.M.  Banquet and Concert in Church Auditorium.
Toastmaster: John Kokolski.
Distinguished Guests and Speakers:
Archbishop Mstyslaw, His Excellency Gov. Dennis J. Roberts, Honorable Senator Theodore F. Greene, Hon. Mayor Kevin Coleman, Members of Clergy, Representatives of Organizations and others.

5 P.M.  Grand Ball.  Music by Paul Kaznowski and His Orch.  Church Hall. 

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