Our Beautiful Stained Glass
West Side (over the choir loft – AWESOME!)
East Side (Server Room)
South Side, Front (Server Room)
East Side, Front (Vestry)
North Side, Front (Vestry)
North Side, Front (Narthex)
North Side, Middle (Narthex, second from front)
North Side, Middle (Narthex, third from front)
North Side, Back (Narthex, third from front)
South Side, Back (Narthex, third from front)
South Side, Middle (Narthex, third from front)
South Side, Middle (Narthex, second from front)
South, far East Side of Narthex (toward altar)
Narthex, Main Doors
Narthex, North Side Door
Narthex, South Side Door
South, far West Side of Nave (by choir loft)
South, West Side (Narthex Bathroom)
North, West Side (Non-Bell Tower)
North, West Side (Non-Bell Tower)
West, North Side (Non-Bell Tower)
West, North Side (Non-Bell Tower)
Bell Tower
Bell Tower
Bell Tower
Bell Tower